In the following, you can find the information on how to properly format your final manuscript for the 17th International Workshop on Network on Chip Architectures (NoCArc). The proceedings will be published by IEEE and included in the IEEE Xplore Database. Papers submitted to NoCArc must use the two-column IEEE conference proceedings format and must be submitted as a PDF file. A template for Microsoft Word and LaTeX can be downloaded here. The length of papers is limited to 6 pages.
Camera Ready due by: September 16, 2024
Camera Submission Website: Submission Website
Title of the paper (must be initial caps) -- Meaning First Letters of the Main Words Must be Capital Letters.
Authors' full names -- For every author, their first name, middle initial(s) (if any), and last name must be included after the title of the paper on the first page.
Affiliations -- EACH author's affiliation, department (if any), affiliation location, state, country, and email address MUST be included.
Abstract -- Include an abstract (up to 250 words) of your paper on the first page top of the left hand column.
Submissions that do not conform to the IEEE standards will be returned to the author. The page size is US Letter (8-1/2x11 inches). Do not submit your paper in A4 size or different sizes. Only US Letter will be accepted. Be sure that there are no bad page or column breaks -- Meaning no widows or orphans (last line of a paragraph at the top of a column). If this happens, either tighten the previous column or force a line feed. Section and Sub-section headings should remain with at least two lines of body text when near the end of a page or column. Do not modify the margins of the paper to gain space. If the margins are modified, the paper will be returned to the author.
Figures may be printed in black and white (grayscale). We suggest that you test print a black and white version of your paper to ensure that the illustrations reproduce well. Figures will appear in their original color in the pdf-files in IEEE Xplore. We recommend images to be at least 300 or 600 dpi for quality reproduction.
If your figures use custom or non-standard fonts, the characters may appear differently when printed. Remember to check that all fonts are embedded and included in the figure correctly. (Tip: try to avoid non-standard font sets in your figures). Make sure that all fonts (in the text and in the figures) are embedded. If the fonts are not embedded, the paper will be returned to the author. Do not use a font size smaller than 10pt throughout the paper.
Footnotes should be numbered in consecutive order throughout the text.
Acknowledgments in the third person. All acknowledgments of financial support must be placed as the first footnote on the first page of the paper.
Once the camera-ready of your paper has been finalized, check it with IEEE PDF eXpress. Detailed instructions can be found here. If your manuscript passes the IEEE Pdf express check, you will receive an approved copy of your manuscript by email, in PDF format. Upload this PDF file through the Submission Website.
All authors must submit the copyright of their papers to IEEE in order to have their papers included in the conference program (only one needs to be submitted for each paper). All clearances for publication must be obtained by the authors. The authors will have to use the electronic IEEE Copyright Form (eCF).
The corresponding author of each paper will receive an email from the IEEE copyright service.
Using the provided link and credentials in the email, the author should log in, make sure that the default information is correct, and correct any errors if necessary.
Upon signing the copyright form, the author will receive a confirmation email with the copyright receipt.
IMPORTANT NOTE: By signing the form, you are stating that the material in your paper is original and you have not previously released copyright for this paper to another party. We cannot publish your paper without this properly completed form.
If you still have any question or problem, please send an email to Prof. Maurizio Palesi.
Both research and application-oriented papers are welcome. All papers should be submitted electronically by EasyChair.
Papers submitted to NoCArc must use the two-column IEEE conference proceedings format and must be submitted as a PDF file. A template for Microsoft Word and LaTeX can be downloaded here. Papers should include title, authors and affiliation, e-mail address of the contact author. Submissions must be limited to 6 pages. Papers deviating significantly from these paper size and formatting rules may be rejected without review.
If the authors wish a blind review to be performed, then the author's name and affiliation should be omitted in the submitted paper.
In case of any questions please contact the TPC Chairs.
Please remember to register for the MICRO-57 Symposium to attend the workshop. Early registration deadline is
October 2, 2024
Abstract submission deadline
August 12, 2024
Full paper submission deadline
August 12, 2024
Author Notification
September 2, 2024
Camera Ready
September 16, 2024
NoCArc Workshop
November 3, 2024
The accepted conference papers will be invited for an extended journal version, to be published in a Journal TBD.